Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Reflection 2017

The quality of my work, isn't as great as it could be because I don't have an actual camera, but I try to make it as good as I can with what I have. I think the quality of my ideas and focus are good, but I know I've had better and was just too busy or lazy to pursue them. Despite that, I always push beyond my first idea.  Although each assignment I've done, I work to and believe I have fulfilled it. Additionally, even though I have the right format, the things I definitely need to work on are timeliness and the quality of my index prints. I need to get the right amount of pictures and actually put them up with the project.

As effort is concerned, I am a little guilty of performing near the minimum. Even though I do push my ideas, I do look for convenient ways to achieve it, and don't shoot more than is required. There have also been instances where I had a really good idea, but didn't feel like I was going to have the time to pursue it. One thing I do do is taking a hard shot. I feel like if I know the photo is going to be good, I wont stop until I get it. I feel like some of my work does show that I take risks, like using my mom and completely changing the colors of my photo for the blue project. Those are both kind of conceptual and technical. I think during this quarter, I want to push the box even more than I have and take more creative risks. I definitely have a positive attitude looking at other peoples photos and enjoy seeing the process and providing feedback. However, the positive attitude comes and goes when looking at my own work.

I could use some work on being in time to class. Senioritis is killing me. When I am in class, there are some days where I am very productive and too myself. Others, I'm talking and working, and sometimes I'm just in lala land getting very little done. I think I need to become more consistent and focused on my work.

I think I can definitely improve on developing my style. I would want to tackle projects with a more artistic approach and mess with the colors or filters to make it my own. I think I'm definitely more secure and knowledgeable about the techniques to use, so it's not my primary concern. I think my concepts could definitely have more depth to them and shoot in places that have a more interesting composition.