Friday, November 18, 2016

Moby: Lost in the World

This video shows all of the negative things that happen and how the world has become because of cell phones. It shows how it has desensitized everyone to many things that happen around us, like suicide and fight and other things, because we are viewing the world through out cell phones. It shows how no one connects to people how they used to. It also shows how much easier it is to make someone a target on the internet simply by taking a video and posting it. Although it could be dreary, I think it was a successful eye-opening animation to make people aware of how they're becoming. I think it is very truthful and honest about how things work on the internet, every referencing the online dating where all you do is swipe to find someone, or the filters that cause insecurities. At the end, it shows that is we continue on the path of being glued to technology constantly, we lose touch of what's happening around us.